Vehicle seats, dashboards, door panels and armrests
Automotive dealers & warranty companies: if you need on-lot repairs done or professional warranty work fulfilled, contact us to ask how we can help!
Dashboard Repair from GPS Adhesive, Pittsburgh CA
Now a days everyone uses some form of GPS when driving. The most safest way is to have a unit mounted on to your dashboard. Unfortunately sometimes these handy pieces of technology can leave a sticky residue on your dashboard once removed. Fibrenew technicians can remove this substance and re-dye the dashboard at a fraction of the cost that it would be to replace the dash.
Hole in Leather Automotive Seat, Antioch, CA
Normal wear and tear has caused a hole in this leather car seat.
Tear in Leather Auto Seat, San Francisco, CA
A common place to find wear in a car is the left side of the drivers seat. The constant getting in and out of the car can cause the leather to crack or tear. Fibrenew technicians can effectively repair and re-dye the area to prevent further damage to your car seat and look like new again! Below is a before and after of a tear in a car seat located in San Francisco, CA.
Vinyl dashboard repair without replacement
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