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It’s Earth Day, Every Day at Fibrenew

fibrenew green franchise companyToday’s society tends to encourage disposing of goods almost as fast as we can buy them; continually upgrading to the latest and greatest gadgets. We often lose sight of how this mentality can impact the health of our planet. At Fibrenew, we’re proud to prove that it’s still possible to restore our valued possessions, rather than discard them at the first hint of wear and tear. In fact, Entrepreneur Magazine recently named Fibrenew in the top 5 Green Franchises For Eco-Focused Entrepreneurs.

How Much are We Tossing Out Each Year?
According to the United States EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), households are filling up the landfills with discarded furniture at an astonishing rate. It was found that furniture is last on the list of household goods to be recycled – making up a total of 12 million tons (yes, tons!) of waste. We don’t have accurate global reports at the moment, but if the trend in the U.S. is any indication, a major change is clearly necessary.

furniture in garage dump landfillSimilarly, reports indicate that office furniture is discarded at an equally staggering rate. These numbers bring to light that economic fluctuations in businesses like relocation, closures, and upgrades all have an environmental impact that should be managed more carefully – or alternative options to throwing items away should be used.

How Fibrenew is Helping: Our Restoration Services 

Restoring damaged leather, plastic and vinyl in homes, offices, vehicles, restaurants, hotels, medical facilities, boats, planes and trains is becoming a more popular alternative to sending items to the landfill. Some reasons for this growing trend to choose restoration as an option:fibrenew leather furniture restoration services

  1. From an environmental perspective, consumers and business owners are much more keen to save unnecessary waste – considering both space in landfills and the carbon footprint of manufacturing and shipping new items.
  2. From a cost-savings standpoint, restoration offers a slam-dunk solution for those looking to prolong the life of their goods before replacing them.
  3. And lastly, current supply chain issues in the furniture, auto, marine, RV, and medical industries have made it much more difficult to replace damaged pieces – not to mention the extra costs and timeframes that are involved.

automotive interior vinyl and plastic restoration fibrenewThat’s where Fibrenew is helping – by offering an alternative to replacement. Our restoration services prevented the equivalent of 91,000 dumpster bins worth of leather, plastic and vinyl from ending up in landfills last year. That’s an incredible amount of savings for our earth and consumers alike.

Proud to be a Green Company
Since 1987, Fibrenew has been part of the solution in our flight to help preserve our environment and prevent unnecessary waste. Our nearly 300 restoration experts around the world restore everything from home and office furniture, to car interior components, to seating in the hospitality and medical markets, to vinyl siding and plastic window frames on houses. If it’s damaged leather, plastic or vinyl, chances are, Fibrenew can help – both you and our precious planet.

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Meet the author

Jesse Johnstone

As the President of Fibrenew, I have the privilege of working with an exceptionally talented team at Head Office and in the field with our franchisees. Witnessing the achievements of our Franchise Partners in their businesses is a source of deep fulfillment and gratification.
