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Freedom To Be His Own Boss

Henry Garner Fibrenew FranchiseeWhen asked; Why Fibrenew? Franchisee Henry Garner responds; Because being a Fibrenew franchisee means you’re your own boss, you’re part of a supportive head office, and no two days are alike.

Since opening Fibrenew Alpharetta in 2012, Henry Garner has become the go-to guy for leather, plastic and vinyl restoration in the area. How does he know he provides solid service using top-of-the-line products? “The only time I ever really hear of my competition is when they’ve screwed up and someone calls Fibrenew to fix it!” he says.

There were a few components of Fibrenew that drew him to the franchise in the first place. First, the freedom to be his own boss was compelling. Garner admits this is something he appreciates every day. “If I had someone telling me what to do or looking over my shoulder it would drive me crazy!”

Leather Furniture Redye By FibrenewSecond, he immediately recognized the encouragement for success from head office. When recalling his early exploration into the company, Garner says, “I was really impressed with the support Fibrenew had. I remember before I purchased the business I was talking to the support team about the process and they genuinely cared about me being part of this.” And even after opening the doors to Fibrenew Alpharetta Garner received the same support from the franchise team. “One of the many things I appreciate is how quickly you can get somebody on the phone and how there is always someone there to answer questions.”

Lastly, what hooked Garner on opening his own franchise is the fact that each day brings a new project or a new relationship. “I’d get bored if I had to do the same things everyday.” he exclaims.

Medical Examination Table Restoration by FibrenewSince putting into motion Fibrenew Alpharetta Garner hasn’t looked back. His mobile restoration and repair service caters to both residential and commercial clients, including automotive, marine and medical industries. “I try to be as diverse as possible in the makeup of my business,” Garner explains. “The majority of my work comes from the web. A lot from word-of-mouth, people referring me. And the sales calls I’ve done [are] fruitful. It grew a lot faster than I expected it to.”

Joining the Fibrenew family is something Garner doesn’t regret. He’s encouraging for others to discover the satisfaction he has from owning his own business. “My recommendation to prospective Fibrenew franchisees is to spend as much time as you can with another Fibrenew franchise so you know what you’re getting into. When I first started it was really helpful to have the support of my neighboring franchisee, Bill Metropol — I think I spent about five days working with him. That [really improved my] skills.”


fibrenew leather repair franchiseAre you looking for a new career where you can be your own boss and take charge of your financial future? Fill out the form below to download a PDF Information Package and learn more.

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    Meet the author

    Jesse Johnstone

    As the President of Fibrenew, I have the privilege of working with an exceptionally talented team at Head Office and in the field with our franchisees. Witnessing the achievements of our Franchise Partners in their businesses is a source of deep fulfillment and gratification.
