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Leather Repair in Time for the Holidays

Fibrenew restoration leather experts Is it your turn to host the family this coming Holiday Season? If so, you’ve probably got the grocery list sketched out to make your signature meal, cleaned the carpets, and got the sleeping arrangements all figured out. But what about your leather furniture? You know the one your dog got his claws into or the little ones spilled their milk on. No matter how dazzling you get the rest of the house looking with your festive decorations, that couch or chair is still going to stick out. Before you go digging around in the attic for the old throw your grandmother gave you to cover it up, consider another option. Restore it!

leather furniture repair restoration redye fibrenewNow is the perfect time to finally fix those scratches, stains, tears, or holes in your leather furniture. Your newly restored couch is sure to impress your family and friends and complete your perfect host planning.

The holidays can be a financial burden enough as it is. Restoring your existing furniture to look great again instead of replacing it is a much more economically-sound choice. Plus, it’ll save you the hassle of having to shop for expensive new furniture that could take months and months to arrive.

local leather repair fibrenew If you’re curious about leather furniture restoration options, you can send a picture or two of your couch or chair to a local Fibrenew restoration expert for an estimate. Think of the repair as a holiday gift to yourself that will keep on giving throughout the year!

Your couch may only need a good cleaning to look new again. Check out our leather furniture cleaning and repair guide before you head to the store or get started on your cleaning. Either way, we’ll be happy to help. We have leather repair experts throughout the country.

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Fibrenew is a mobile service franchise that specializes in the repair, restoration, and renewal of leather, plastic, vinyl, fabric, and upholstery.
