Examination tables, chairs, and waiting room furniture
We have highly-specialized products and techniques that specifically cater to restoring damage on examination tables and chairs in hospitals, medical clinics, dental clinics, veterinary clinics, massage, physical therapy offices and more. Cracks, rips, and tears can all be repaired for a fraction of the cost of replacement. Our insured and professionally-trained technicians are mobile and can come to you and help keep the downtime of damaged medical equipment to a minimum.
Clinics: Looking for a service contract? On-going service agreements are available. We’ll be happy to help! Please contact us to inquire.
Medical Recliner Restoration
Lenior UNC Health Care Hospital in Kinston NC had 4 expensive Hill-Rom procedural recliners in storage because they failed inspection due to torn vinyl. Fibrenew Greenville restored these 18 year old recliners with medical grade, fire retardant vinyl. Don't they look great!?!
Hole in medical waiting room chair repaired and re-dyed
Fibrenew Crystal Coast / Greenville Customer Reviews
“I truly enjoyed working with this company. I had two recliners done and they look amazing! I'm very satisfied with the service I received and with the prompt response to my communications. I would recommend them in a heartbeat!”