Examination tables, chairs, and waiting room furniture
Clinics: Looking for a service contract? On-going service agreements are available. We’ll be happy to help! Please contact us to inquire.
Pediatric Dentist Office
Pediatric Dental office had some chairs in desperate need of replacement…. AND wanted to add a bit of color to the office since it is a pediatric office. Well, we brightened it up a bit and I warned them that I could not be responsible for fights that broke out for the pink chair….. And so it happens, lots of kids want the pink chair. Making the dentist office a little more fun, that’s what we do.
Dental chairs
Dentist office had 3 patient chairs and one technician stool which needed the vinyl replaced due to damage one old age. Also added a layer of foam to make the chairs a bit more comfortable for the patients. Work completed over the weekend as to not impact the operation of the office at all.
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