Preparing for your Fibrenew Service Visit! Fibrenew is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for our Technicians and a safe and comfortable experience for our Customers. To ensure that, we have developed the following COVID-19 Plan to complement our usual health and safety measures. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 during our service visits and that requires full cooperation not only by Fibrenew but also from you our Valued Customer. This cooperative effort will establish and maintain a high level of safety and health during our service and visits. Much is yet to be understood about the Covid19 pandemic so if you have questions about our service precautions or special requests please let us know. Basic infection prevention measures are implemented during our service visits and at our workplaces at all times Frequent handwashing is part of our regular routine. Hand sanitizer will be used before service visits and after leaving. Protective supplies such as masks, gloves, shoe booties, clean drop cloths and appropriate cleaning supplies will be used as necessary. There are some technical applications where the technician will need to remove their gloves and hand sanitizer will be used in their place. Service visits will be safely completed by maintaining physical distancing of a minimum of 6 ft / 2 m. for the safety of the Technician and our Customers As added precautions, we may ask that your repair items be isolated or covered for 48 hours prior to and after our visit or other procedures designed to reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission. Technicians have been informed of and encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 as outlined by Health Canada. If feeling unwell they will reschedule your service when they are confident it is safe to do so. We ask that our customers confirm the following when we arrive for service: No one in the household/business or working environment have Covid-19. No one in your household/business or working environment have symptoms of Covid-19 as outlined by Health Canada. No one in your household/business has been in close contact with someone know to have Covid-19 in the last 14 days. If the answer is yes to either of these questions, the appointment will be made at a later date no less than 14 days after the initial question was asked. We look forward to working together to provide a safe working environment for Fibrenew and you, our valued customer!