Examination tables, chairs, and waiting room furniture
We have highly-specialized products and techniques that specifically cater to restoring damage on examination tables and chairs in hospitals, medical clinics, dental clinics, veterinary clinics, massage, physical therapy offices and more. Cracks, rips, and tears can all be repaired for a fraction of the cost of replacement. Our insured and professionally-trained technicians are mobile and can come to you and help keep the downtime of damaged medical equipment to a minimum.
Clinics: Looking for a service contract? On-going service agreements are available. We’ll be happy to help! Please contact us to inquire.
Fibrenew Laval Customer Reviews
“After a significant hail storm I had several small holes on the side and front of my house as well as one fairly large (larger than a golf ball) sized hole right in the front above the garage door. While I was confident that my insurance would take care of this I was very concerned about matching the existing color of the siding if they were going to replace a few pieces of the siding.
My insurance company recommended Fibrenew and I am very glad they did. They were able to fix the holes in my existing siding and was able to match the colour perfectly. Most impressive of all was the hole in the front of the house, Fibrenew was able to fix to a perfect colour and texture match. All holes were fixed perfectly and no matter what angle the sun hits my house at, you cannot tell where the holes were.
All of this work was done quickly and now those spots that were patched are the strongest parts of my siding.
I am writing this because I am really impressed! Without any hesitation, I would recommend Fibrenew to anybody looking for vinyl siding repairs.”