Vehicle seats, dashboards, door panels and armrests
Automotive dealers & warranty companies: if you need on-lot repairs done or professional warranty work fulfilled, contact us to ask how we can help!
Porsche Brake Handle
The brake handle in this Porsche was accidentally damaged customer was working on the center console. We went to their place of business and made it look like nothing ever happened!
Perforated Repair
Perforated leather repairs are one of the more difficult repairs we do but we make them look easy! Our “competition” wont even attempt these! We just saved this customer hundreds of $$$$$?
Car seat restoration
The drivers seat in a beuatiful Doge Challenger had some normal wear from the driver getting in and out of the car. The customer was thrilled with the results of our restoration!
Vinyl Repair
A tear in the vinyl bolster of the GMC Tahoe was nommatch for us. This is a repair NOT a new panel!
Fibrenew West Central Jersey Customer Reviews